Ficsit Networks - No Coding: Factory Settings.

Ficsit Networks - No Coding: Factory Settings.

Epic Steam EA EX  Intermediate

Set the overclock, standby, or recipe on all connected machines at once with this easy to follow tutorial, using Ficsit Networks Mod to your advantage without needing to know coding.

Samueras 13561 2020-09-17


Hey everyone I’m Samueras and am here with a Ficsit Networks Mod tutorial for gamers who don’t want or know how to code. 

This guide will show you how to set up a computer to set recipes, overclocks, or standby on multiple machines with one click.


Video Guide Associated:
Set Recipes Overclock and Standby on multiple Machines at once. Non-Coder Ficsit Networks Tutorial.



Part 1 - Setting Up A Network


To begin, we will need to set up the hardware. First, we need to construct a computer case with 1 T1 CPU.


Don’t forget to insert the LuaModule, which can be produced in the Equipment Workshop.



Next, we need to connect all the machines we want to be set up on this network with network cables. Make sure you are using the Network Poles and Wall Plugs to do that, just like you would connect power to them as well.



Part 2 - Understanding The Code


Next comes the Code and there is no "coding" necessary, All you need to do, is copy the code from below into the code window of the computer you just built. Afterward, we will need to set some values.

All you need to do is change lines two to four.
If clock, recipe, or standby it set to be = “” that setting will stay the same and will not be changed. Otherwise, set it to the value you want to set your machines to, it is that easy.

The value behind Clock determines what clock speed we set the machines to. If you set a higher number than the machines can be clocked to, either because it is above 250 or you haven’t installed enough power shards, then it will set the maximum allowed instead.

Recipe determines what recipe the machines should be set to, write the recipe exactly like it is written in-game between quotation marks eg.(Recipe = “Alternate: Stitched Iron Plates”). If you set a recipe it will empty the intake and output inventories of the machines, so if there is something of value in them, make sure to empty those before you change the recipes.

And set Standby equal to true to set them to standby or you can set Standby to false to activate the machines.

Now we need to run the code by pressing the power button at the bottom left corner of the computer.


The Following is a bit more advanced, but it is totally optional as well.

In the code, we have a setting called group in line number 6. With that, we can set a specific group of machines without changing the rest.

In order to do this, just write the name of the group between the quotation marks to select it, and leave it empty to speak to all connected machines. However, before we can use that we need to set the machines to a group.

We can do this by using the Network Manager Tool, and click with it on the machines. In this panel we need to write the group name we want the machine to have in the second line, we can set a machine to multiple groups by separating them with a space, the order of the groups doesn’t matter. Shift-clicking a machine will set the groups to whatever is in your clipboard. So copy the groups in the first machine and just shift-click the rest.


If we run our code with the groups now, only those of the selected group will be set. The rest will stay the same.


Part 3 - The Code: 

Copy the code below into the computer.

-- set any of the Lines below to "" to skip seting them up, and keep the current values --
Clock = ""   --set to the Value you want to clock your Mashines to be set to--
Recipe = ""   -- set to a Specific Recipy the Recipe need to be Written in between "" Expl.: "Alternate: Stiched Iron Plates" --
Standby = ""  -- set to true to set Mashines into Standby and deactivate them, set to false to cancel Standby and activate mashines again --

group = "" -- change only if you want to speak to a specific group of mashines, otherwise leave it at "" --
local comps = {}
for _, i in pairs (component.proxy(component.findComponent(group))) do    
    if i:getTypes()[1]~="Computer" then
        table.insert(comps, i)

if Clock ~= "" then
    for _, j in pairs (comps) do
        j.potential = Clock/100                
        print ("Set Overclock on to: " .. Clock .. "%")

if Recipe ~= "" then
    for _, n in pairs (comps) do
        if n:getTypes()[1]=="Manufacturer"  then
            if n:getRecipes()[Recipe] ~= nil then
                print ("Set to: ".. Recipe)
                print ("Recipe on Machine not found")


if Standby ~= "" then
    for _, m in pairs (comps) do
        m.standby = Standby                
        print ("Set Standby to: " .. Standby)
print ("Factory Setup succesful")



End Code

This guide was written by Samueras, a content creator who has produced many other great guides over on his youtube channel, and if you like his content why not join him over on his twitch channel.  


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