Factory Layouts
All Efficient Satisfactory Turbo Fuel Layouts
EA EX  Intermediate, Advanced Manifold
This guide will breakdown a layout for each Turbo fuel recipe, and show you how to maximize your gains from a single normal crude oil node.
TotalXclipse 45081 2022-11-19
All Efficient Satisfactory Fuel Layouts
EA EX  Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Manifold
This guide will breakdown a layout for each fuel recipe available, including alternate recipes from a single normal crude oil node.
TotalXclipse 60514 2022-11-14
Efficient Layouts: All Rotor & Stator Recipes
 Beginner Mixed
This guide will break down all rotor and stator alternate recipe layouts from our satisfactory efficient alternate layouts video, giving you a clear layout to follow for your own factories.
TotalXclipse 62953 2022-08-27
Efficient Layouts: All Reinforced Iron Plate Alternate Recipes Satisfactory Update 6
EA EX  Beginner Rectangle Mixed
This guide will break down the efficient reinforced iron plates alternate recipe factory layouts video, giving you a clear layout to follow for your own factories.
TotalXclipse 45636 2022-08-22
Modular Engine Factory Layout
EA  Intermediate Rectangle Mixed 234 foundations
In this layout I will be talking you through how to produce modular engines in an efficient setup using the vanilla recipe.
TotalXclipse 67048 2021-07-24
Heatsinks Super Efficient Factory Build guide.
 Intermediate Rectangle Manifold 143 foundations
This build guide will provide you with all the information you need to set up a 100% efficient build guide to produce 24 heatsinks per minute.
TotalXclipse 19048 2021-07-09
Versatile Framework Factory
 Beginner Rectangle Manifold 154 foundations
With this factory layout you will be able to produce 10 Versatile Framework per minute.
UmbranSage 43185 2021-06-06
Automated Wiring Factory Layout
EA  Beginner Rectangle Manifold 132 foundations
The goal of this factory is to produce 10 smart wiring with an easy to setup and run layout.
UmbranSage 33534 2021-05-30
120 Batteries Per Minute - Efficient Build Guide
 Intermediate Mixed
Update 4 brought with it drones that allow us to transport resources quickly, over long distances. Unfortunately to run these we require batteries, so in this super efficient build guide, we'll be looking at how to easily produce 120 batteries per minute.
TotalXclipse 37742 2021-05-24
Aluminum / Aluminium Alclad Sheets - 100% Efficient build layout
Mixed 140 foundations
Aluminum has been updated for U4 which means we need to renovate our factories to better suit the new recipes. This build will show you how to produce 300 alclad aluminum sheets per minute and is part of our super-efficient build guide series.
TotalXclipse 68245 2021-06-12
No Nuclear Waste - Nuclear Power Super-Efficient Build Layout
 Advanced Rectangle Balancer 612 foundations
A nuclear power build layout that will provide 15,000mw with 0 nuclear waste. This build is part of our super-efficient build guide series.
TotalXclipse 147960 2021-05-02
Reinforced Iron Plates Super-Efficient Build Layout
Epic Steam EA EX  Beginner Rectangle Mixed 56 foundations
This guide will show you how to build a clean and compact reinforced iron plate factory in Satisfactory.
TotalXclipse 192269 2020-10-11
Nobelisk Super-Efficient Build Layout
Epic Steam EA EX  Beginner Rectangle Manifold 105 foundations
Nobelisk is a necessary tool in-game, used to remove plants, rocks and unfortunate guests. This layout guide shows you how to produce 12 Nobelisk per minute using the vanilla recipe within a clean and efficient factory.
TotalXclipse 21374 2020-10-09
Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide
Epic Steam EA EX  Intermediate Rectangle Manifold 146 foundations
Returning to our super-efficient build layouts, and following on from our previous computer and plastic guide, we're now looking at supercomputers.
TotalXclipse 47244 2020-10-11
Computer Factory layout
Epic Steam EA EX  Intermediate Rectangle Manifold 198 foundations
With efficiency in mind, this guide provides you with the layout to produce 5 computers per minute.
TotalXclipse 74083 2020-10-11
Clean and Compact Constructor Layout
Epic Steam EA EX  Beginner Square Manifold 25 foundations
This layout will show you how I build my compact constructor floors in the 5x5 challenge. Giving you the know-how to produce your own clean, compact factories that still give you the freedom to walk between.
TotalXclipse 52619 2020-09-02
Crude Oil to Fuel Super-Efficient Build Guide
Epic Steam EA EX  Beginner Rectangle Manifold 161 foundations
This layout aims to produce fuel from crude oil efficiently, following the super-efficient build guide series. This guide will have screenshots along with a link to the associated video.
TotalXclipse 72679 2020-09-08
Modular Frame Super-Efficient Factory Layout
Epic Steam EA EX  Beginner, Intermediate Rectangle Mixed 143 foundations
The aim of this layout is to produce 10 modular frames per minute which will eventually follow on, to be used in our Heavy modular frame layout whilst maintaining a clean and compact factory. This guide will have a selection of screenshots to help in the construction, and should you need it, you can find a video time lapse guide attached.
TotalXclipse 121045 2020-10-11
Encased Industrial Beams Super-Efficient Factory Layout
Epic Steam EA EX  Beginner Rectangle Manifold 45 foundations
The aim of this layout is to produce a total of 15 encased industrial beams per minute, which shall be used in a follow up guide for heavy modular frames. This build will be clean and compact with screenshots included for each step of the way.
TotalXclipse 60013 2020-10-11
Heavy Modular Frame Super-Efficient Factory Layout
Epic Steam EA EX  Beginner Rectangle Mixed 72 foundations
This guide brings together two previous layouts, encased industrial beams and modular frames along with this build to produce a total of two heavy modular frames per minute.
TotalXclipse 78823 2020-10-11
Rotor Super-Efficient Factory Layout
Epic Steam EA EX  Beginner Rectangle Manifold 104 foundations
The aim of this Satisfactory, factory layout is to help you build a rotor factory, producing 10 rotors per minute. Helping you learn tips and skills to better your own factories.
TotalXclipse 125505 2022-07-22
Stator & Motor Super-Efficient Factory Layout
Epic Steam EA EX  Beginner Rectangle Manifold 130 foundations
The aim of this layout is to reach 20 stators per minute, going on to create 10 motors per minute. Whilst maintaining a clean open factory.
TotalXclipse 74244 2020-12-08