Fan Factory Showcase - Season 3 Ep.03

Fan Factory Showcase - Season 3 Ep.03

Here we have another awesome build this time by Sir Musli. See his notes, checkout the Fan Factory Showcase and should you wish, download the save to checkout yourself here.

TotalXclipse 4558 2021-05-28

Welcome back to our third episode in the series! Once again we have another great display of design by Sir Musli.

Check out their awesome causeway, or manufacturing systems. I'll put their notes below as well as links to the video showcase and the save itself!

You can find the Video Spotlight here:
Fan Factory Friday Season 3 Episode 3

You can download the save here: 
Sir Musli's Save



Sir Musli's Notes

This 236 hours save is an average middle class save in the end game high tiers. What stands out is that it is completely vanilla and uses no mods. Every item in the world was placed by hand and the focus is a production targeted at 100 percent efficiency where possible. The main base is located in the grassy fields. Most early game items are produced here. The main storage hub and the Lizard Doggo farm are there as well. The save features a railway network connecting the most important parts throughout the map and the factory produces every important mid game part and lower end game parts in 100 percent efficiency. Most hard drives have been unlocked and the power network produces a stable 13000 MW power supply. The save is therefore perfectly suited for players looking for a save which provides a head start into the higher tiers and the ability to roam the whole map. Feel free to check it out, adapt some builds, use it as a base and continue your own build or just to provide some feedback and suggestions! Have fun!


*disclaimer: Though I upload the saves sent to me, after I've already checked the save, downloading and using these save files are done at your own risk.

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