I've Never Seen A Factory Like This | Satisfactory Factory Tour S3 Ep.11
A factory build that is speechless in so many ways.
TotalXclipse 9976 2021-10-06
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Fan Factory Season 3 Ep.11
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Firefless' Fan Factory Season 3 Ep.11
Note's By Firefless
A “few” words to describe my save:
- I produce 60 Turbomotors + 60 Supercomputers completely load balanced
- It is still WIP as I stopped decorative work when U5 teaser hit
- Completely vanilla – no editor
- Started the save with U3, took about 200hrs to fix the changed receipts
Efficiency checker:
I installed 4 mk1 belts in front of my storage area to see if everything is running ok. As everything is load balanced I can see on this belts if anything is going wrong (gaps at the belt) within a few moments
Load balancing:
Almost everything is load balanced with a few exceptions:
- a few raw resources brought in by train (doesn’t make sense to load balance)
- nuclear setup supply items – the power plant was not designed to run at 100% - it’s pre U4
- fluids – it is not possible to load balance fluids at the moment
- building material factory is not 100% load balanced to get some of each
Power Plants:
- I have a main nuclear power plant producing 150000MW.
- The fuel power plant at the spire coast was only created to survive the change to U4 – now it serving as power supply for the train system
- In case needed I have a 112500MW plutonium fuel plant “MV PLUTO” which can be activated remotely from storage area
- Desert: is obvious I guess :D
- Swamp: Nuclear
- Crater Lake: Fused modular frames (WIP-design work)
- Northern forest: Aluminium (WIP – prepared for thermal propulsion engines)
- Rocky desert: Water based pure receipts
- Green fields: Copper powder for nuclear pasta
Awesome sink:
Main goal is to get as much points as possible. So all end items (not possible to process further) like turbomotors are sunk. Calculated value is about 28mio points per minute. Before bying all the statues I was at more than 4000 coupons (screenshot not available at the moment, but I can send it later if you want).
Of course end item changed with U4 that’s why I am aiming for thermal propulsion rockets
Want to go for the maximum of thermal propulsion rockets possible with the resources left on the map (bauxite is the limiting factor). If possible I want to go for 60/min.
Of course finishing the aesthetics when U5 is available.
Stay efficient
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